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Bulman Dunie continues its proud tradition of leadership in the legal profession in the 2021-2022 Bar Association term!

Partner, Jeremy Rachlin, serves on the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Bar Foundation (MCBF). The MCBF supports pro bono legal initiatives in Montgomery County and sponsors continuing legal education seminars for attorneys. Jeremy also chairs the budget and audit committee of the Bar Association of Montgomery County and serves on the Judicial Selections Committee. Finally, Jeremy continues as a Board member of the Montgomery County Inn of Court, an organization comprising Montgomery County’s attorneys and judges who meet monthly to socialize and stay up-to-date on developments in the law. Jeremy serves as a “bencher” in the Inn, which is the senior-most position for a lifetime term.

Partner, Meg Rosan, continues to serve as the Co-Chair of the Montgomery County Circuit Court Bench Bar Committee. The Bench Bar Committee is devoted to keeping the lines of communication open between attorneys, judges, court clerks, and other personnel. This will be especially important this year, as Montgomery County takes the giant technological leap to electronic filing of documents. Meg was also selected as a barrister in the Montgomery County Inn of Court, which is a competitive selection process for a three-year term in the Inn.

Partner, Dan Shaivitz, serves alongside Jeremy on the Montgomery County Bar Association Judicial Selections Committee. This Committee confidentially vets and interviews applicants for Montgomery County judgeships and magistrate positions, ultimately determining which candidates should garner the important endorsement of the Montgomery County Bar Association.

Senior Associate, Jane Rodgers, and Associate, Liz Farley, were both selected as associates in the Montgomery County Inn of Court. Participation in the Inn is limited to only 30 associate members, who serve a one-year term in the Inn.

Finally, Barry Nudelman, Of Counsel to the firm’s estates and trusts practice group, continues to serve as a Lecturer in Law at the George Washington University School of Law, where he teaches the Estate Planning and Drafting course.

Bulman, Dunie, Burke & Feld, Chtd., has established deep roots within the community. For over 80 years, we have been providing cost effective representation of clients, with an emphasis on quality service and client relationships.