Liz October 2022

Clients and friends of BDBF are accustomed to seeing us in our professional garb. But that doesn’t mean we don’t love Halloween!

It’s time to see a different side of your BDBF attorneys. Here are our favorite (PG-rated) Halloween costumes of all time!

Liz Farley

My fiancé and I dressed up as a Target employee and Target shopping bag. He got the easier side of the paired costume, as I had to hop around all night pretending that I had a rounded shopping bag bottom and had no legs. My pain at least led to us winning a costume contest! Unfortunately I don’t have a good picture, so instead here’s a picture of our dog, Milo, dressed up in his favorite Halloween costume.

Jeremy Rachlin

I personally think Slash from Guns n Roses is the greatest rock guitarist of all time. I may even have a signed guitar on the wall of my home office. Hence, my favorite Halloween costume of all time. It’s the only Halloween costume I’ve ever recycled and worn twice (several years apart). It’s also the only one I’ve ever worn to a bar that resulted in my getting free drinks. And yes, that’s a fake tattoo.

Meg Rosan

Jeremy apparently needs to up his Halloween couples costume game. My favorite blog-appropriate costume in recent years was when I dressed as Maroon 5, and my husband dressed as Ron Burgundy. Together we were pop culture variations on a color scheme.

Dan Shaivitz

Almost all of my Halloween costumes have been too inappropriate to describe for various reasons. That said, my wife and I dressed up as characters from the hit Netflix show “Ozark” (I was “Jacob Snell” and my wife was “Ruth Langmore”) a few years back and those costumes were a hit. I even memorized a few lines for the character to recite to adult trick-or-treaters. Happy Halloween!

Jeremy has consistently been recognized as one of the top Maryland estate and trust attorneys by Bethesda Magazine, Washingtonian Magazine, and Baltimore Magazine, among others.