Paying for unexpected medical bills is a major source of financial and emotional strain for injury victims. We have previously written about the various resources injured parties have to help pay their medical bills when they are injured in an accident that was some one else’s fault.
Every healthcare provider wants to do their part to make sure that a patient’s medical bills are fully covered by an insurer. How can healthcare providers increase the chances that an insurer will reimburse or contribute in full to medical bills? These are the TOP 5 THINGS healthcare providers can do to get their bills paid:
1. Request that the patient sign an authorization and assignment of benefits.
In brief, an authorization and assignment of benefits (often referred to as an “A&A” or a “lien”) directs payment to your office out of the proceeds of any insurance benefits that may be available to pay your bills.
2. Immediately find out about and submit bills to any auto insurance carrier that provides Personal Injury Protection benefits that may be available.
PIP is a great source of payment because often the rate of reimbursement is higher than traditional health insurance and it takes less time to receive payment.
3. Promptly inquire about and submit bills to any insurance provider who has available Medical Payment coverage.
Many auto insurance carriers offer this coverage in addition to and separate from PIP coverage. In addition, many commercial liability carriers offer this kind of no-fault coverage for injuries that occur at their business premises.
4. Collect all health insurance information at the first visit and update that information every visit.
You may not submit your bills to the health insurance company right off the bat. However, you may wish to bill the health insurance later. Clients can change their health insurance for many reasons, so stay on top of this information in the event you need it.
5. Communicate with your patient and their attorney about payment of bills.
Work with the lawyers to submit your bills to insurance companies under PIP and Medpay coverages. Cooperation and coordination of efforts is key, especially when certain benefits are exhausted and others need to be used.
The attorneys and staff at Bulman Dunie are trained and experienced to work with your office. Please do not hesitate to contact PI practice group chair Dan Shaivitz at (301) 656-1177 x304 or dshaivitz@bulmandunie.com to find out more tips on how to keep your bills paid!