There is some good news on the horizon for those who have been injured in auto accidents. The Maryland General Assembly approved an amendment to the State’s Constitution to make court faster and cheaper for those hurt in auto accidents. Now, Maryland voters will need to vote…

Anyone who has spent time in the District of Columbia in recent years knows firsthand how prevalent electronic scooters have become. Zipping through parks, on sidewalks, and even on streets—they are everywhere. The D.C. City Council has noticed too. In December 2020, the D.C. City Council…

As of March 15, 2021, Maryland courts are once again open to the public with restrictions in place to enforce social distancing and other CDC guidelines. Courts are holding live non-jury trials and contested hearings in civil and family matters. Of course, certain matters will…

During the COVID-19 crisis, we have seen an increased demand for prenuptial agreements (or “prenups”) across all demographics, but particularly among millennials. On average, Americans are waiting longer to get married. This, in turn, means that people are getting married after having accumulated greater wealth…

Many families have adjusted their lives during the COVID-19 crisis to accommodate the demands of virtual learning for children and parents working from home. We hear from our clients that parents are dividing their custodial time differently to accommodate the unique demands of life during…

What do you do if your loved one appears unable to make decisions for himself/herself? Is a guardianship necessary? Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon question posed to Bulman Dunie attorneys. What Is a Guardianship and When Is It Available? Guardianship is only available where there…

Whenever there is a change to estate tax laws, it can be particularly consequential to our clients. Assets that comprise a Decedent’s (deceased person’s) “taxable estate” are assets considered under the Decedent’s control as of the date of his/her death. Assets under a Decedent’s control and…