Losing a loved one is never easy. Whether it is a long goodbye or sudden heartbreak, an initial feeling of grief can give way to unease at what the family knows comes next — winding up their loved one’s affairs.
Bulman Dunie’s estate attorneys find tremendous professional satisfaction at bringing comfort and peace of mind to clients who are in a time of pain. We regularly assist Maryland and District of Columbia clients wind up financial affairs of a deceased loved one.
While it commonly takes many months to complete the estate administration process, and while at first the process can feel very overwhelming, Bulman Dunie attorneys are skilled at breaking the process into more manageable steps, guiding our clients each step of the way.
If the deceased owned assets that must pass via the probate process, we regularly assist clients in Maryland and District of Columbia probate court. We prepare the initial probate filings, as well as subsequent probate court filings through the conclusion of the estate.
We have a network of appraisers, accountants, realtors, and other key professionals who can assist in the transfer of probate and non-probate assets and in attending to final tax matters.
Call upon Bulman Dunie’s experienced estate and probate attorneys for the comfort and peace of mind you need.